BGen Fridrik Fridriksson

Our thirty-first recipient, Brigadier General Fridrik Fridriksson, was scheduled to attend the AMP at Harvard Business School in spring 2020.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and protocols set in place, the spring session was canceled.  Fridrik was an infantry officer and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan.  He is currently serving as Commanding General, 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade and Deputy Commanding General, III Marine Expeditionary Forces.  Previously, Fridrik served as the Commanding Officer for the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.  Throughout his career, Fridrik has commanded at all levels, from rifle squad through Marine Expeditionary Unit.  He has also served on staff at The Basic School, the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, the Joint IED Defeat Organization and the 1st Marine Division.  Fridrik is a graduate of The Basic School; U.S. Army Armor Captains Course, the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the Marine Corps War College.  He graduated from Western Washington University with a BA in Political Science.

Fridrik and his wife, Lisa, have two children.