(Capt) David C. Crabbe

Our fifth recipient, (Captain) David C. Crabbe, graduated from Harvard Business School in 2011 with an MBA.  A Logistics Officer, Dave served two combat deployments in Iraq.  In 2005, Dave deployed to Taqqadum as a Motor Transportation Platoon Commander with the principal mission of leading combat logistics patrols throughout the Al Anbar Province.  In 2006 and 2007, he deployed again as the Team Embarkation Officer and Assistant Logistics Officer for Battalion Landing Team 2/4.  In this role, Dave led extensive amphibious operations in the Persian Gulf and supported combat operations throughout the Haditha Triad in support of the earliest phases of The Surge.  He graduated with honors from the United States Naval Academy in 2003, where he served as the Brigade Commander.  Dave is a Partner at Bain & Company and resides in Dover, MA, with his wife, Molly, and their sons, Charlie and William, and two children.