The Timothy T. Day Foundation held its second in-person “Tribe” Reunion in Quantico, Virgina, on May 17 – 19, 2024. Over 75 guests attended the Reunion that included Harvard Business School MBA and AMP Fellows and their spouses, Day family members, friends, and special guests.

The event kicked off Friday afternoon with the Dedication Ceremony of the new Semper Fidelis Memorial Park Pavilion which honored the Timothy T. Day Foundation, followed by a casual dinner on Friday evening to catch up with friends. On Saturday morning, Harvard Business School Professor Ranjay Gulati led an interesting case study on Marine Corps recruiting at the Marine Corps University campus.  Later in the day, the National Museum of the Marine Corps Museum hosted a behind-the-scenes tour of the new exhibits that will be opening later this fall and then a formal dinner for our Marine Fellows and honorees. The Reunion concluded on Sunday with a brunch and a casual meeting where the Fellows gave brief updates on themselves.

It was wonderful to see everyone and to reconnect in person with the “Tribe”, to meet new faces, and to share in the camaraderie amongst the Marines.  The Foundation genuinely believes in the special relationships that are continuing to be established through this Fellowship program.