A group of HBS Fellows, Marines and friends got together for a fun spring weekend in Phoenix on March 23-25, 2018.  The weekend kicked off with a Friday dinner at a local favorite, L’Amore.  On Saturday, the group gathered bright and early at Hava Java for coffee in preparation for a 4-hour hike in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve.  After the hike, Luke Larson graciously hosted a lunch and a tour at the Axon facility.  Sticking with tradition, a “Tribe” meeting was then held, which included everyone giving a 5-minute update on their current life activities. The focus of the meeting then shifted to the MBA Fellows who were soon to graduate from HBS, and we addressed any pressing questions or issues they had about the business world and their future professional aspirations.  It was a valuable opportunity for them to get feedback from some very experienced people in the room.  Following the meeting, some of the group members visited the Day Family Office for a brief tour.  The festivities for Saturday evening involved cocktails and dinner in a private room at Donovan’s Steak House, which was followed by drinks and cigars at the Day residence.  Prior to departing for home on Sunday, the group enjoyed a Sunday brunch at the Arizona Biltmore.  It was a memorable gathering and great fun for all.