Marine Corps Evening Parade

Ranjay Gulati of Harvard Business School Attends Marine Corps Evening Parade with AMP Alumni

Ranjay Gulati, Chair of the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Harvard Business School, traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the well-known Marine Corps Evening Parade at 8th & I on August 22, 2014.  Tim Day and some or our AMP Fellowship alumni happily joined Mr. Gulati to celebrate the collaborative efforts of the Marine Corps, Harvard Business School, and the Timothy T. Day Foundation. A good time was had by all.

“He (Ranjay) is such a huge supporter of the Marines at HBS, and I hope he realizes how grateful we are for his clearly going out of his way to make us feel welcome at Harvard.” – Col Sklenka

“Great picture; great people; all-around great event in every way! Thank you so much for bringing the Fellowship Family together, and it was another special Marine Corps-HBS moment seeing Ranjay and his son at the 8th and I Parade.” – Col Bowers

“Terrific to have Ranjay and his son join us for the Evening Parade. The Day Fellowship, HBS, Marine Corps triad continues to strengthen!” – Col Donovan