Timothy T. Day Overlook and Heritage Center Parkway Progress Report

Significant Activities This Week

After heavy rains on Tuesday morning cancelled activities for the day, Branch performed maintenance of the erosion and sediment control (E&S) controls.

WG Construction formed, reinforced and placed 10 cu. yds. of concrete for sections of the upper walls of the central overlook, including imbed plates for the top railings and channels for the masonry supports.

Serra Stone continued the veneer of the south retaining walls including the cap stones. Gropen signs reported they received the granite slabs for the Timothy T. Day Executive Education Fellowship Recipients plaque, and are beginning fabrication and carving.

Next Week Activity Projection

  • Cut and fill operation restarts on Parkway from 17+00 to 23+00; completion of haul off of spoils pile at Rt.1 entrance. Additional concrete wall will be formed and poured at the Overlook including plaque pylons;
  • Serra Stone continues fieldstone veneer. Electrical rough-in as required. First shipment of granite expected;
  • Cut and fill operation restarts on Parkway from 17+00 to 23+00.
  • Branch has requested a Rt.1 Lane closure from VDOT for the few hours it will take to improve the E&S controls at the construction entrance.